A premier networking organization, the Northbrook Chamber of Commerce has served as an advocate for the business community for more than 50 years.
The Northbrook Public Library features an impressive collection of over 370,000 items, ranging from books and magazines to musical scores and movies.
Your support is needed - please consider a year end gift to Rotary Club of Northbrook.
From the youngest students starting at age 3 all the way to adults – the School of Rock programs are geared toward success in musical proficiency and fun!
The Knowledge Nook of Northbrook specializes in individualized tutoring sessions that meet your learners where they are and helps them get to where they need to be!
Printed courtesy of www.northbrookchamber.org/ – Contact the Northbrook Chamber of Commerce & Industry for more information.
2002 Walters Avenue, Northbrook, IL 60062 – (847) 498-5555 – info@northbrookchamber.org